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威尼斯人体育在线提供无缝集成服务, 金融, 构建, 操作和维护项目的整个生命周期. 我们的每个项目都是独一无二的, 以客户为中心的解决方案, 建立在坚实的知识基础上,我们从多样化的投资组合中发展起来. 其结果是广泛的多方面的服务-通过一个经过验证的, 高度自律的过程.
威尼斯人体育在线跳板预施工系统是一个协作, robust and resource-rich program that facilitates effective communication between project stakeholders to launch informed, 及时决策. This process ensures an effective and efficient use of energy and effort that culminates in meeting project goals and client expectations. 传统的预施工方法通常将客户服务限制在估算范围内, 时间表和后勤计划. Our approach extends these into a system of tools that defines a more holistic and predictable 分段装配 process that achieves better results and generates greater value. 除了开发估算、调度和物流计划外,我们的系统还包括:
多年来, we have demonstrated our commitment to implementing the best construction practices and sustainable features through a proven track record of delivering high-quality design 构建 projects across multiple sectors. 威尼斯人体育在线 has completed more than 300 设计和建造项目总额超过100亿美元 and is consistently ranked as one of the largest design-构建 firms by Engineering-新闻 Record. Employing a committed partnering philosophy between our design team and sub承包商 on every design-构建 project, 威尼斯人体育在线 has consistently been successful in providing cost effective and high-quality construction that deliver the best value for clients.
威尼斯人体育在线是公私合作最为普遍的建筑行业的领导者, 包括道路和桥梁, 水处理及供水, 机场, 惩教设施, 政府办公大楼, 医疗保健, 还有公共交通/铁路. 迄今为止,威尼斯人体育在线已经完成了超过25个项目, 具有包括设计在内的综合经验, 建筑, 为美国的公共基础设施项目融资和租赁.
通过我们专注的开发和资产管理业务, 我们的附属公司威尼斯人体育在线 Investors, 有限责任公司和威尼斯人体育在线基础设施管理(运营和维护), we are able to align our interests with sponsoring agencies and show our long-term commitment to the project through all facets of delivery and operations.
Financial strength and scale are attributes that provide project partners with maximum assurance that 威尼斯人体育在线 can be relied upon to meet all obligations, 无论是短期的还是长期的. 收入超过40亿美元, 没有公司债务和持续的利润再投资, 威尼斯人体育在线的资产负债表是美国最强劲的银行之一.S. 承包商.
威尼斯人体育在线活跃在美国.S. 和加拿大P3市场, affording access to a broad network of lenders and underwriters to achieve the lowest cost of funding and maximum value for the money. 我们构建的融资解决方案包括广泛营销的债券, 狭窄市场的私募, 短期银行和债券债务, 股权过桥贷款, 短期银行贷款, 次级债务, 私人活动债券, TIFIA贷款, 和更多的.
多年来, 威尼斯人体育在线 has performed operations and maintenance services for roadways during largescale reconstruction programs; facilities as required by design, 构建, 操作, maintain (DBOM) contracts; and direct performance of operations and maintenance for the term of P3 projects. 随着北美P3市场的不断扩大和成熟, 长期运行维护 组件对于P3项目的成功交付变得越来越重要. 威尼斯人体育在线建立并实施了全面的O&M系统, processes and innovative ideas; using our understanding of managing life-cycle analysis and its critical role in meeting long-term project goals. 我们认识到技能, systems and processes required to effectively maintain assets over their life-cycle are critical to providing effective maintenance services. We understands our clients’ long-term asset management goals and help clients realize their objectives by focusing on activities to minimize or reverse asset deterioration while safely performing daily operational functions.
威尼斯人体育在线物流 offers an extensive suite of services to our clients which range throughout the project schedule from programming to post occupancy in order to deliver a fully operational 建筑. Our team works collaboratively with our clients' staff to facilitate informed decisions into an integrated planning and delivery process. 我们了解您必须克服的挑战,以成功启动您的设施. 威尼斯人体育在线物流 has the expertise and capabilities with our integrated package of work streams to rapidly respond to project requirements, meet project schedule constraints and efficiently execute these services for small and large complex facilities projects. Our unparalleled integrated approach delivers turnkey solutions to activate your facility and for enhanced operational readiness.
-规划,采购,采购家具,固定装置 & 设备(FF&E) -安装、测试 & 培训FF&E -重复使用FF&E验证 -过渡计划 & 执行服务 ——退役 -仓库管理 -集成主进度管理 ——营业额 & 收尾 -入住后评估.
威尼斯人体育在线物流最初是一个与医疗保健相关的功能,但已经发展成为一个服务于所有市场部门的服务. 我们的服务超越建筑行业, 重塑客户服务, 并证明了威尼斯人体育在线在一个已经完全开发的设施内提供服务的能力.
威尼斯人体育在线采用精益理念来追求持续的质量改进, 包括在整个设计和施工过程中消除浪费和任何非增值元素. 精益项目交付是一种文化. It is a way of thinking that requires focusing on quality improvement through increased efficiency and productivity. 成功最终取决于人和组织的价值观.
老板, 设计师, 承包商和分包商在设计和施工过程中从开始到完成进行合作.
We schedule material deliveries at the last responsible moment directly to the installation point to avoid double handling.
我们在各方之间确定最终项目成本. 如果出现额外的成本/条件,我们会找到同等增值的解决方案.
所有施工成员在项目进度上进行协作,以减少周期时间并提高生产率. 我们通过确定每个承包商在开始之前需要完成什么来“拉”任务.
我们根据客户的指导原则开发多个概念设计. 跨学科评审团队根据这些原则分析概念,并选择最好的设计来利用.
我们找到了主人, 设计团队和承包商在现场提供即时解决方案,朝着共同的目标努力.
威尼斯人体育在线 is highly experienced in utilizing green design and construction practices to assist our customers in creating environmentally conscious facilities. 我们的创新解决方案通过对社会负责来支持可持续发展, 经济上可行的最佳做法. 我们合作了许多获得LEED认证的项目. Our approach to sustainability has led Engineering 新闻-Record to consistently rank our company among the nation’s largest green 建筑 承包商 In recent years, 威尼斯人体育在线 has completed multiple LEED-certified projects and is working on numerous projects to be registered with the U.S. 绿色建筑委员会. 最近, 拉瓜迪亚机场B航站楼重建项目获得Envision白金奖, 认可该项目在可持续性和弹性方面的行业领先方法. The award is the highest level of recognition within The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s (ISI) awards program. Our commitment to sustainability is also evident in the completion of our LEED Platinum corporate headquarters expansion, 现有仓库改建为四层楼, 93,000平方英尺的办公楼. 作为LEED白金级设施, 建筑中包含的许多饰面都是可持续的, 回收, 无毒、低排放材料, 以及局部环境控制. 拥有300多名LEED认证的专业人员, 威尼斯人体育在线能够任命一位可持续发展专家作为联络人,与每位客户密切合作.
威尼斯人体育在线有大量的公司资源, 包括价值7.5亿美元的设备队和超过8名员工,000名专业人员. 通过这些资源, 威尼斯人体育在线能够自行完成大部分工作, 包括拆除, 挖掘, 卡车运输, 木工, 下水道工作, 水管, 现场调研, 现场工程, 混凝土, 后张力, 砌筑, 土方工程和钢结构安装. 如果机会允许,威尼斯人体育在线更愿意利用自己的员工和设备. 自我完成的工作对项目进度有直接和积极的影响, 质量和成本时考虑工作的复杂性, 分包商市场的质量和可用性, 以及我们各自部队的工作量. 我们在75号仓库里储存和维护我们的设备,000-square-foot state-of-the-art maintenance facility located on a 66-acre site with water access to the Chicago River. 一个拖拉机/低男孩拖车车队也从这个地方派出,能够移动我们的设备全国, 从一个地区到另一个地区, 项目对项目. 我们的舰队具有战略意义, 资本密集型投资,更好地满足我们业主的时间表要求, 并使增值最大化, 具有成本效益的设备解决方案.
建筑信息模型(BIM)和虚拟设计与施工(VDC), 威尼斯人体育在线 is leading the industry away from traditional 2D construction drawings and replacing them with 3D virtual models. 在过去的10年里,威尼斯人体育在线在几乎所有的复杂项目中都采用了BIM. BIM提高效率, 减少施工过程中的后期变更, 最大限度地减少导致额外成本或延长施工进度的返工, 并在建筑的整个生命周期内提高运营效率. 我们的BIM部门已经发展成为一个经验丰富的员工,涵盖业务开发的各个部分, 分段装配, 估计, 项目管理和现场布局. 事实上, our staff helped to write the industry’s first contractual BIM Addendum for 承包商 working with 设计师s in a BIM environment (ConsensusDocs 301 建筑信息建模 Addendum). We were one of three 构建ers who provided in-depth expertise in drafting the Army Corps BIM requirements for facility management BIM deliverables for all Center of Standardization 建筑s. 与内部BIM专家合作, 设计团队和分包商, 威尼斯人体育在线开发了业内最全面的1美元BIM模型之一.30亿美元的洛杉矶汤姆布拉德利国际航站楼.
西亚当斯街929号 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60607 T: 312.563.5400 F: 312.563.5466
卑士码头道东2839号 1200套房 亚特兰大,乔治亚州30339 T: 404.495.8700 F: 404.495.8701
约克磨坊道36号 302套房 多伦多,安大略省M2P 2E9 T: 416.849.9000 F: 416.849.9100
©2021威尼斯人体育在线. 一个机会均等的雇主,残疾/退伍军人. 版权所有. 威尼斯人体育在线加拿大无障碍